Thursday, December 8, 2011

thoughts on the news of the day: colors

            What’s THE color for 2012?  It’s called Tangerine Tango!  That’s a sort of orangey/red color that actually has been popular for a while.  I have a leather purse that my daughter bought me a couple of years ago that is pretty much that shade – I love it, but it’s not exactly new.
            Do colors matter?  Some say that your favorite color can tell a lot about you.  Does blue mean you are blue?  Does sunny yellow mean you are happy all the time?  What about if your favorite color is black?  I once knew a minister whose favorite color was beige.   Actually that was the color of his personality, too.
            My favorite color is green.  I like it because it reminds me of spring, my favorite time of the year.  I love the freshness and newness of it.  Some say “green is the color of money”  and that’s why it is their favorite color.
            Maybe all of this talk about color doesn’t matter much in the grand scheme of things.  But I think paying attention to little details does.  Like the tiny violet’s vibrant color.  Or the murky gray on a cloudy winter day.  And while we are talking about winter, what about a fresh fallen snow?  Have you ever looked up to see an endless blue sky and wondered how it got that way?
            God made all of the colors of the world.  I guess it is our job to stop and look at the roses.

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