You are never too young. You are never too young to live your dream. Rachel Crow, a 13 year old contestant on X-Factor was eliminated last night in a tear jerker decision by the judges. She was devastated but composed herself and said that she loved her family and her voters and commented, “I know this is not my ending.”
Usually dreams are fulfilled after a lifetime, or at least a decade or so of struggle and effort. “Over night” successes are usually achieved after long hours, long days and long waits for the dream to happen. But in some cases, it seems almost magical. And even though Rachel didn’t accomplish her ultimate dream, certainly performing in the national television spotlight before millions of fans has to be close.
We think we might be too old to try for a goal; but sometimes we think we are too young, too inexperienced, too untrained. We are never too young in our experience to try again to fulfill those wants that inspire us. Many times, God calls us into a new challenge. God calls us to take on something we had never dreamed possible. In January I am beginning a Doctor of Ministry, usually referred to as the “D Min.”. Hopefully, I won’t come to call it the “de-mon” program before its completion.
It’s a dream I have had for years, and never thought possible. But because of encouragement from friends, relatives and the financial assistance of several supporters, I am embarking on this new challenge. My maturity in things theological will be challenged and I will probably feel like a young pup all over again. There is even a possibility that like Rachel, I will not achieve my ultimate goal.
But I am going to try; because, after all, you are never too young.
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