Wednesday, June 6, 2012

thoughts on the news of the day: dad

            It is becoming apparent that very shortly we are going to have to rip my 91-year-old Dad from the home he has lived in for close to 65 years. It’s a home we all grew up in; one that my Dad basically built with his bare hands.  Well, maybe I am exaggerating, but he didn’t have a nail gun or pre-fabs; only hammers, nails and an imagination.  Our family home has gotten old and is difficult to heat, cool, clean and keep in repair so it is kind of falling down around my Dad. But our home is probably his most priceless possession.  I would guess he loves it almost as much as he loves us.
 My brothers and sisters and I have avoided moving my Dad for years now.  We never thought that my Dad would go before my Mom.  And with Mom I don’t think it would have been so hard.  Mom loved adventure and I think she would have welcomed new surroundings in an assisted living center.  But Dad has lived longer and although he has done much better than we ever expected, it is now time to face the fact that living in his home is no longer a viable option for him.
I don’t think we ever thought it would be this hard.  We all told ourselves that we were keeping Dad in our family home because he would never agree to leave.  But now that the deed is eminent, I realize that for me and maybe all of us, that home is a symbol of security, stability and love.  I don’t want to have to go back in that home without life living there.  I don’t want to let it go.
As I write this the tears begin to flow.  Even more than losing my parents, saying good-by to what has past and to what will never be is like ripping a part of me away.  And I guess moving my Dad out of his beloved homestead rips us all apart in a way that can never be recaptured again. 

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