Today we are driving to Branson , MO. There is no easy way to get there. Out of Mountain Home all paths are crooked, curvy, steep and hilly with narrow shoulders or none at all. However, the scenic views are terrific so it’s worth the effort to drive the highways.
In our bible study yesterday, we looked at Isaiah 40. It’s the one with the passage that talks about making straight the paths through the desert, lifting every valley up and making every hill low. In lovely poetic language, the author gives us a picture of a journey made easier. Sometimes, I wonder if Isaiah was talking about Highway 62, the mountain road out of Mountain Home! It sure would be nice if it was a super highway like Interstate 540 that cuts through the mountains from Springdale to Ft. Smith .
My spiritual mentor says that as we grow spiritually, the path we travel gets steeper and narrower. Life becomes a joy, but a challenge as we begin to have higher expectations of ourselves. We want to draw closer to our Maker and that requires self discipline and dedication. But my mentor also says that as we climb that high mountain of spiritual growth, and we pause to look out over the horizon, the view is incredible. And that is true also. We see the beauty and wonder of creation, and our part in it. We become closer to God.
Where will your journey take you today, and what will you see?
nancy i had an airport experience yesterday....a steep and high view !!