In Kansas City there is a long standing tradition. A Secret Santa hits the streets shortly before Christmas each year to hand out $100 bills to unsuspecting strangers. He finds people in thrift stores, food pantries and shelters who are down on their luck and in need of a little Christmas miracle. No one knows who this man is, or the source of his donations because this Secret Santa prefers to remain anonymous.
I thought I had the best job in the world; I am the pastor of a small congregation in the Ozarks. In beautiful surroundings, I get to do a wide variety of fun assignments. Then there are the pot lucks; too much good food and too little time to sample it all! And, of course, I have the Best Boss in the universe …
Yes, I thought I had the best job in the world, but I think Secret Santa tops mine. Can you imagine how thrilling it would be to surprise ordinary people with the money they need to make their own Christmas wishes come true?
You may be stuck in a job you don’t like. That’s a hard place to be. You may be wishing for your own Secret Santa to rescue you with a $100 bill or two. My prayer for you this Christmas is that you get everything you need and most of what you want. But that in the receiving, may you also find the joy that comes from giving to others. And then … maybe you would have your own Christmas miracle …
favorite quote: "BEST BOSS IN THE UNIVERSE" good one!
ReplyDeleteI had over paid my rent last month due to a a snafu with the housing authority. This month I had a zero balance so I took that money and was able to write some checks to some places I've always wanted instead of rent. What a high that is. Now I want to win the lottery! It was so hard to decide which agencies to choose. What a thrill it would be not to have to limit it.