Monday, February 21, 2011

thoughts on the news of the day: presidents

            February was a month full of wonderful holidays when I was growing up.  We watched for the Groundhog to discover his shadow on February 2.  Then came Lincoln’s birthday, celebrated on February 12th.  We learned about Abraham Lincoln and his presidency and made black construction paper silhouettes of his head, top hat and beard.  I am sure there were cookies.  Two days later came Valentines Day, heart-shaped sugar cookies with pink icing and the much anticipated valentine cards delivered from friends.  George Washington’s birthday was always celebrated on February 22.  Again, more black silhouettes, and more cookies.  The concept of a national leader who should be respected was embedded in our heads and regardless of political affiliation; we were encouraged to learn more about our current president. 
            Today we have Presidents Day, which honors all presidents who have served, or Lincoln and Washington, or just Washington, depending upon your point of view.  Most retail outlets refer to the third Monday as “Presidents Day Sale” day and try to move out the remainder of the merchandise left over from Christmas.  Usually only banks and government offices close on this day; even schools have all but forgotten our presidents.
            So today might be a good day to reflect on the office of the Presidency of the United States.  After all, our national leader may well be the most powerful person on the world. Pray for our president today, and for all of our national leaders.  They have a tough job and even though we may not always agree with their policies, they deserve our respect and certainly need our prayers. 

1 comment:

  1. THIS made me laugh...and your daily blog made me back up and appreciate the complexity of our Presidents' jobs. THANKS, Nancy
