Friday, February 25, 2011

thoughts on the news of the day: survival

            There is a tree that lives in a forest in California.  It is called the Methuselah Tree because has lived to be over 4600 years old. Yes, I said 4600!  Pretty unbelievable when you think about it.  It is part of a species of trees called bristlecone pines.  Living in harsh conditions, this tree has been around as long as the Pyramids. 
            So how does it live so long?  Well, it might be for several reasons.  First of all, it is very slow growing.  It is reported to grow about 1 inch in girth every century!  Second, it seems to put down a very deep root system which helps it to weather drought and other harsh weather conditions.  Third, it is disease resistant because of its dense and resinous wood.  Insects, molds and bacteria don’t seem to have much of an affect on it.  Fourth, even though much of tree might die, it has learned to adapt.  For example, only as much as a narrow strip of living bark still might connect the roots to the sparse greenery on its branches.
            Our own survival is important to us.  While we certainly won’t live to be centuries old, we could take a few clues from this hardy pine.  We can slow down a little and not be in such a hurry.  We can set down deep roots with friends and family – folks we can lean on when times get tough.  We can build protective barriers against people, ideas and habits that might harm us. We can simplify and compact our lives so we aren’t spread so thin.
            We could do that, couldn’t we?

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