Saturday, February 26, 2011

thoughts on the news of the day: saying hello

            Every day I send my blog to my dad, Even though he is 90 years old, and his eyes aren’t so good,  he still loves to read emails from family and check the stock market on the internet.  So I write him daily and paste my blog onto the note.
            “just trying to say more than hello” is what dad wrote to me this morning.  I think what he might have meant was that he didn’t have much news to tell about his day.  His days are pretty much the same; he doesn’t get out all that much anymore. 
            But aren’t we all “just trying to say more than hello?”  Don’t we all struggle with finding the words to express how we really feel?  And it’s even harder on paper.  It used to be that we wrote letters – long letters about how we felt, what was going on in our lives and in the world around us.  But today we say it in 140 characters or less.  Jagged little phrases litter our iphones stating our thoughts and needs as tersely as possible.  Funny thing is that when we are on the receiving end, we really do want to know about your day, and how life is with you.
            So, dad, here’s to you this morning!  Thank you for your notes, for your news and for sharing your life with me.  Thank you for your struggle to say more than just hello.

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