Last night on American Idol, the contestants were invited to choose songs by their personal idols. Some chose obvious and logical singing idols who were clearly the inspiration for their singing style. Others chose singers who were well known artists and might be crowd pleasers. My hunch is that none of them chose their idols based on their character; but then that’s not really what the contest was about.
Who is your idol? One of the definitions for “idol” is: one that is adored, often blindly or excessively. Who do you adore? Many would say their idol is their current sweetheart, some might say a rock star or a sports hero. We are tempted to blindly revere a celebrity for no other reason than because the media tells us that we should.
Idols are different that heroes. Heroes are usually people who have accomplished incredible feats or goals with persistence and dedication. Heroes inspire us to try harder – to become better people.
Even Jesus was asked about his idol. He was tempted in the desert for a long period of time. Jesus was asked by Satan to bow down and adore him and he would be given everything. But Jesus refused. Perhaps our adoration should fall into that category.
I don’t think it is wise to blindly adore another human being. Humans are, well, human. We make mistakes, we fall down. But there is One who is perfection – One we can always count on, One who unconditionally loves us, One who is worthy of adoration. And that One is God.
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