Sunday, March 6, 2011

thoughts on the news of the day: numbers

            Dr. Oz says that there are 3 numbers we should know in order to maintain good health.  First, our waist size; it should be half the inches of our height.  Second is blood pressure; it should be less than 120/80. And third is blood sugar; it should be below 100.  We should also know some other numbers: like our weight, our height and maybe the number of steps we take in a day (which should be around 10,000).
            Numbers keep us honest because they don’t lie. It’s easy to kid ourselves into thinking that our blood pressure isn’t that high.  We don’t get on the scale because we don’t want to know how much weight we have really gained.  And how much do we exercise?  We pretend we walk a lot, when really we don’t.
            These are lies that seem to be harmless to other people.  They don’t hurt our friends or family.  But they do hurt us.  When we don’t take care of ourselves, we are the biggest loser – and I don’t mean that in a television reality show kind of way. 
            But wait; maybe we do hurt other people.  If our health is not at our maximum best, we don’t have the energy to enjoy our family and friends.  And what about the enormous cost of health care?  Keeping good numbers ensures less time at doctor’s offices and hospitals.
            Let’s get into the numbers game.  Having a blood pressure cuff, a scale and a pedometer is a good thing.  Using them is even better!


  1. Hey AMEN to that! I've found that when I don't record "points" in the Weigh-Watcher program, I never acknowledge how much I've had so far today and just keep on eating! Numbers DO keep us honest.

    You've made me get out my "Points" table and get re-started...smiles...

    Thanks, Nancy!

  2. Hey, Clay!
    Great to see you yesterday! Thanks for the comments -- I am taking my BP this morning!
