Monday, March 7, 2011

thoughts on the news of the day: longevity

            Five Ways to Cheat Death” is the headline on my internet site today.  It is the title of an article which lists 5 ways to live longer.  Among the five listed is living high. Studies have shown that living at a high altitude seemed to increase life span.  It’s something about being closer to the sun and getting more vitamin D.
            I can count at least 7 ninety-year-olds that belong to our congregation. There are things that they have in common that are evident that might have something to do with their long lives.
            First of all, they are all in happy, committed relationships or were until their spouse died.  Second, they are for the most part still active members of the community.  One couple volunteers at the Chamber of Commerce regularly.  Others are active volunteers for the church.  One still helps “old people” at the hospital! 
            What is also so evident in their lives is their commitment to their faith. Each one of them has a deep and rich connection with our church community and more importantly, they have a bond with their Creator.   They are in attendance in worship every Sunday morning.
            This Wednesday begins Lent.  So it’s a good time to remember the importance of a strong spiritual life. Take some time these next 40 days to re-connect with your Creator.   It will be enriching. And, hey!  It might even help you live longer!

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